Our main motivation
is the one we all have in common,
"becoming aware"

Regardless of the importance
Tango takes in your life,
whether it's leisure time,
social, cultural or artistic
it is above all
"a dance".
In order to dance,
we have to become a dancer.
This entails
the development of you,
your body and your mind,
through some very precise
priorities of integration,
and shifts your learning from
"what" you want to learn to
"how" you want to learn.
Looking at
contemporary Tango Teachings
you'll notice they are mainly focused upon
teaching figures and sequences.
​Although they have
their importance in the process,
it is an incomplete approach
that keeps dancers away from
developing their full potentials.
Elements like mechanisms of
movement and communication,
which are the very fundamentals of figures
deserve a higher priority in this process.
​It takes a whole other approach
in order to create a dancer.

Very often we speak in terms of
"I learn Tango", or "I dance Tango",
referring to some kind of activity
laying somewhere outside of ourselves.
While in fact it is the "I",
who is learning, becoming aware
of all the various elements that
determines this dance.
It is the "individual" integrating them,
making them his own, becoming them,
transforming himself into a dancer,
that dances Tango,
and while doing so,
he becomes Tango"!
Becoming aware of
the very masculine and feminine
characteristics and energies in man and woman
is by far one of the most fascinating and influencing aspects in your development as a dancer.
Everyone can learn technique,
but when it comes down to gender,
both man and women go around it
in very different ways.