Argentine Tango is a
true reflection of life itself.
A man and woman,
two opposing individuals,
embracing each other,
in the game of polarities.
oneself and the other
through body, mind and soul,
finding each other
in rhythm and movement,
on the path towards
harmony and freedom,
because who is not free, is bound,
and who is bound, cannot move freely.


What is awareness?
a·wareness - (É™-wâr′) - adj.
1. Having knowledge or discernment of something,
2. Attentive and well informed:
3. Archaic Vigilant; watchful.
The word "Awareness" itself doesn't speaks immediately to our imagination. It rather remains behind the veil of the unknown, the elusive and unspoken, as if it is untouchable.
And it's rightfully so, it can't. But that doesn't mean we cannot get to an understanding of it. Awareness is nothing more, and nothing less, than the outcome of a learning process or experience, regardless of the field where it manifests; physical, psycho- emotional or spiritual.
When taking a course, an education or going through an experience, we go through the process of learning and understanding new insights and skills. We are becoming more aware than we were before. So basically, becoming more aware is equal to learning.
Why don't you call it Tango than, just as everyone else, as Tango awareness also equals learning?
Well, there is a significant difference in "what" we are learning and "how" we are doing so. Whereas most common teachings are focused upon figures and sequences, Tango Awareness embodies the full spectrum in the development of a dancer. It is becoming aware of the various elements of the mind and the development of the mechanisms in the body as the very tools and instrument for dancing. And that takes generally a bit more than just some fancy figures.
That is when Tango awareness pops in.
What is TANGO awareness?

At young age it was already clear that my path was one towards teaching people, guiding them on their way in their development. This became apparent in the form of teaching and coaching in various sport and recreational activities in sports camps and playgrounds.
Later on it found its extension in a partial education in sports teaching and physiotherapy, where my skills were supplemented with the necessary didactic and methodological backbone as well as a well-focused knowledge of the human body and its bio-mechanics.
Professionally, my talents were allowed to triumph in management and training management for a number of leading international companies in which my organizational and insightful characteristics of Human Potential Development could run at full speed in the education and development of people and their potentials.
However, at the age of thirty, I left these fields of expertise behind to fully devote myself to a deep spiritual transformation process to self-realization. Shedding the backpack of the past with all possible conditionings, values ​​and norms incorporated or imposed by education, family, social, cultural and political tendencies to find my true self.
Parallel to this decision, Argentine Tango crawled into my life. A contact that caused an intense passionate tsunami and plunged right into my true core, penetrating my soul. Everything was suddenly Tango. Years of intensive classes, dancing and absorbing ​everything that was possible, soon led to pass on the knowledge in my own classes.
And although my progression, Tango and its complexity gave me some unsolvable questions. How to make it work? How to harmonize? How to make my dancing more creative? Years of deep personal analysis as well as endless searching for answers in Belgian Tango schools remained without satisfying answer.
Buenos Aires was the place where I found them. Life brought me, strangely enough, together with world-class dancers and maestro's, who confirmed my findings about current methodologies and the training of dancers. This confirmation worked as a torpedo on both my dancing and my methodology.
Tango Awareness, an approach in which both body and mind are taken into consideration, bringing the focus to yourself as an individual, the only place where learning is possible. And from there on everything started to transform towards the dancer I wanted to be.